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P.S. I hate Nasty-assia!
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bad Girls Club - Morgan's Fate

So if you don't know by now, Morgan is gone, due to Brandi schemin on the other girls in the house to evict her due to the notion of the 4 against 3 policy (majority rules). The funny thing is, most of the BGC viewers have mentioned their hatred for Brandi and disbelief in Morgan being booted off the show. Many viewers are confused. "Why did Morgan get kicked off of Bad Girls Club? What happened to Morgan? Why did Morgan leave?" have 4 interesting theories. Which one will you agree with?

1. Morgan was kicked off the show due to a MAJORITY RULES policy production has. Since when do the other girls have the right to evict one of their roommates? Aren't the producers the ones who say who stays and who goes? I thought that the only time the roomies get to vote is when there is a fight. Morgan didn't fight anyone. Morgan didn't do anything except take Catya and Kristen to lunch and out to the club, discluding the other girls. Big deal!

2. Morgan was kicked off the show because she went into the production room. This might make sense. MTV's Real World (another reality show religiously follows) has rules about castmasts interacting with production crew. They are never allowed to enter the DUNGEON (a.k.a production room). They are also never allowed to date any of the crew during shooting. Don't ask me how I know this (long track record of watching reality shows - 2 decades long). Since BGC and RW are under the same production umbrella, this would make a lot of sense.

3. Morgan wasn't kicked off. She quit. Hmm.. interesting theory. Obviously, if theory number 2 is true, that means Morgan committed reality show suicide by kicking in the door on the production room, sealing her fate. This would mean that she actually quit if she knows the rules. This theory also makes sense and corroborate with theory 2.

4. Morgan didn't quit or get kicked off. Wow. What?? Well.. where is she then? Some speculate that Morgan is currently in "cooling off mode" lounging and chilling at a nearby hotel, ordering lavish meals from room service, rocking a perpetual uniform - a hotel bathroom and hair clip. This could be true. If this theory is true, that means Morgan won't be replaced by another bimbo, but will rejoin the rest of the girls in the next episode! OMG! COULD THIS THEORY BE TRUE? OMG!

I guess we'll have to wait until Tuesday night to find out.

*crosses my fingers for Morgan's return*

I know you guys hate her...
but she's the sh!t !!!!

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